Who We Are

About Us

At New Jersey Recovery Solutions, we believe that every individual has the capacity for profound transformation and lasting recovery.

Our Philosophy

Our Mission is Helping Others Thrive

Our philosophy is rooted in the understanding that addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a holistic and compassionate approach. We are dedicated to guiding individuals toward a path of healing, self-discovery, and empowerment.

Meet Our Team

Our Professionals

Clinical Director

Khushbu Modh

Program Director

Coming Soon...

Primary Therapist

Coming Soon...


Steven Hoyer

Client Testimonials

Stories of Hope, Healing & Recovery

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Why Choose Us?

Our Difference

Seeking behavioral healthcare is a significant step towards wellness, and at NJ Recovery Solutions, we understand that you may have many questions about what to expect. To help guide you through this process, we’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions about our treatment programs, approaches, and what you can expect when you come to us for support.

Holistic Healing & Wellness

Addiction is more than just a physical ailment – it affects the mind, body and spirit. Our philosophy centers on holistic healing, recognizing that true recovery involves addressing the underlying causes of addiction while simultaneously nurturing overall well-being. We provide comprehensive treatment that integrates evidence-based therapies, psychological support, physical health restoration and mindfulness practices to promote balance and harmony.

Personalized Recovery Plans

New Jersey Recovery Solutions understands that each person’s journey through addiction and recovery is unique. Our personalized approach tailors treatment plans to the specific needs, strengths and goals of each individual. By collaborating with our clients, we empower them to actively participate in their recovery process, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment that is essential for long-term success.

Compassionate Community

Addiction can often lead to isolation and a sense of disconnection. Our philosophy emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive and compassionate community. We provide a safe and non-judgmental environment where individuals can openly share their struggles and triumphs. Through group therapy sessions, peer support and individual counseling, we facilitate meaningful connections that foster healing and growth.

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Relax Restore Recovery


Experience Lifetime Aftercare & Support

Recovery is a journey – not a single event. Our philosophy extends beyond the time spent within our facility. We provide a continuum of care that includes aftercare planning, relapse prevention strategies and ongoing support to help individuals navigate the complexities of life beyond treatment. Our goal is to equip each person with the tools and skills needed for sustained recovery and personal growth.

Recovery is not solely about abstaining from substances. It’s about creating a purposeful and fulfilling life. Our philosophy encourages clients to explore their passions, interests, and talents, allowing them to rediscover a sense of purpose and meaning. We guide individuals in setting achievable goals and building a strong foundation for a bright and healthy future. 

New Jersey Recovery Solutions philosophy embodies respect, empathy, and the belief in each person’s potential to overcome adversity and embrace a life of sobriety. We are honored to walk this path with you and support you in your endeavors.